
Life in Ilias

... or Anywhere Else

The cycle of life begins with a child, an egg, a seed. It continues with a smile, a memory, a walk to ponder.

Life goes, life comes . Do we notice?  Do we see the beauty of a branch, of an old photo on the wall?

Do we wonder who lived in an abandoned house we happen to pass on the road.

Do we pay attention to people who are either beside us or far away, known or unknown?

When we meet an old woman full of life who in half an hour makes us understand the value of a human and of the spirit, do we forget her after a short while?

When we have a family, do we appreciate the time we have for each other? Do we know if we will all be together again?

These photos are to remind us that life begins and ends. They reveal our solitude, and honor those departed, but did not go unnoticed.”